“Tomorrow’s Instruments Today”  —  “For Good Measure” ®

   A Leading South African Test and Measurement Instruments Supplier

“For Good Measure”®

Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.

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TMI, Established—1982

All brands, trade names, trade marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

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Product Showcase

Product Showcase

Please select items of interest below to see Technical Specifications. Please click  on underlined descriptions or Model numbers in blue for more details throughout site. A list of detailed products is displayed on most pages on the left lower section for your convenience.

Product Range in Alphabetical Order

Various Instruments

Lutron Products

New Products

New products are being released regularly, so we suggest that you remain in contact with us by visiting our website regularly or by advising us that you would like to receive regular updates on new equipment, and special offers from time to time by completing our Response Form when complete.


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Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.T+M Instruments

 Popular Product Ranges - See Alphabetical list above:

Power SuppliesPower Supplies PictureTest and Measurement Instruments C.C. Showcase
MultimetersDigital Multimeters, DMM's Picture
TV Satellite MetersWS-6902 Satelite Finder Spectrum Analyser
Thermal ImagersInfraCAM SD Thermal Imager Pic
pH Meters and ProbesLutron PH-220 Pen Type pH Meter

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Time Group




Superior Electric


S.E.W. Standard Electric Works

Ph:   +27 (011) 683 4365 / 6

E-mail: sales@instrumentsgroup.co.za






Physical   Address:              

3 Angelica Ave,

Glenvista, Johannesburg, 2091



Postal Address:

As Above.

011 683 4365
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TMI Monthly Specials

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Also: Thermal Imagers

FLIR TG267 Thermal Imagng Spot Non Contact Thermometer T+M Instruments Lutron InstrumentFluke Instrument Flir Infrared ThermometryITC Training Centre Thermography CoursesEZ Digital Time Group High Time TechnologyElektroPhysikPromax Electronics Acute PC-Based Instruments from Test andMeasurement Instruments C.C.Intercomp "For any Measure"MSR Electronics Superior Electric PowerstatK and H EducationalSEW InstrumentsRishabh LogoDanatronics LogoYokogawa Instruments T+M VERYTEK range of test and meaurement instrumentsRohde and ShwarzMegger Test Instruments and Equipment, Megger South Africa, Megger SA.Extech Test and Measuring InstrumentsHurleyIR Military Night Thermal Cameras and GimbalsIntoximeters Breath Alcohol TestersGuideIR Thermal Cameras, Guide-IR, Guide Sensmart, JEET VideoscopesTriplett Test Equipment and ToolsDetectaChem for Explosives and Drug Testing


3 phase rotation, motor testers

ACA leakage meters

Adapters for DMMs & Clamps

Anemometers (vane type, hot wire type)


Bench meters (ACV, DCV, ACA, DCA, pH)

BLACK BODY, 400 C degree

Cable checker/Cable identifier


Calibrator, Simulator, Checker, Black body

Capacitance meters

Capacitance decade box

Carrying case & holsters

Car testers, Automotive testers

Clamp meters (Power clamp)

Clamp meters (DCA, ACA)

Conductivity meters, TDS meters

Color analyzer

Data loggers

Controllers (Alarm/Monitor), full line

Earth tester

DMM, Mulitimeter

Electromagnetic field testers, EMF testers (Low frequency)

Education products

Electromagnetic field testers, EMF testers (Radio frequency)

Force gauges, Force gauge test stand

Fork current (AC/DC) tester

Frequency counters (handheld type, Bench type)

Frequency monitors (Line frequency)

Function generator

Humidity/Temp./Dew point meter (Hygrometers)

Humidity Transmitters

GSM Control System

Inductance decade box

Inductive pick up sensor

Insulation testers

LAN cable testers

LCR meters

Light meters (Lux meters)


Milliohm meters

Moisture meters (wood, concrete, timber, paper, gypsum…)

Negative ion water tester (Akaline ion water tester)

ORP meters, ORP electrodes

Oxygen meters (Dissolved Oxygen meters)

Panel meters ( V, A, RPM, Hz, Temp. )

pH meters

pH electrodes

Photo sensor (Photo interrupter)

Power adapter

Power analyzers, Watt meters

Pressure meters

Pressure transducers, Pressure transmitters

Pressure sensor

RCCB tester (Residual current breaker tester)

Proximity sensor

Salt meter

Resistance Decade Box

Sensors, Probes, Electrodes

Scales, Balances

Software (data acquisition, data logger)

Simulator, Calibrators, Checker


Sound level meters

TDS (Total dissolved solids) meters

Tachometers (photo, contact, laser..)

Tester leads, Alligators, clips, RS232 cable, USB cable

Temperature probes

Thermometers (PT 100 ohm)

Thermometers (Infrared, no contact thermometer)

Torque meters, Torque wrench

Thermometers (Thermocouple)

UV light meters (UVA, UVC)

Transmitters, full line

Vacuum meter

Ultrasonic Leakage Detector, Ultrasonic transmitter

Voltmeter modules

Vibration meters

Watt meters (Power Analyzer)

Water meters (Pure water tester)