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Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.

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“Tomorrow’s Instruments Today”  —  “For Good Measure” ®

TMI, Established—1982

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Part No:  TR-PS2W-xxBAR                 

 2 Wire Pressure Transmitter:2, 5, 10,20, 50,100,400Bar Output: 4 -  20 mA DC. To be used with CT-2002  or CT-2012 Controllers. See below.

Lutron TR-PS 2W Pressure Transmitter


Lutron TR-PS 2W Pressure Transmitter

Part No:  TR-RPM1A4          

RPM Transmitter:100-20,000 RPM, Output: 4-20mADC. Power Supply : 90 -  260 VAC, External Adjustment: Span,Zero. Optional: Sensors: PI-01, PI-06. .

Lutron TR-RPM1A4 RPM Transmitter


Lutron TR-RPM1A4 RPM Transmitter

Part No:  TR-SLT1A4

Sound Level Transmitter: 30 - 130dB, Output : 4 - 20mA, Excitation Voltage: 9 VDC, Sound Level Probe Included. Optional: Calibrators SC-941, SC-942.

Lutron TR-SLT1A4 Sound Level Transmitter


Lutron TR-SLT1A4 Sound Level Transmitter

Part No:  TR-CLP1A4

DC/AC Clamp Transmitter : 0 - 200 A / 2000 A,              Output: 4 - 20mA DC.           Power Supply : 90 -  260 VAC. 200/2000 Amp Inductive AC/DC Probe Included

Lutron TR-CLP1A4 DC / AC Clamp Transmitter


Lutron TR-CLP1A4 DC / AC Clamp Transmitter

Part No:  TR-DOT1A4

Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter : 0 - 20 mg/L,                Output: 4 - 20mA DC. Power Supply : 90 -  260 VAC.  Included: Dissolved Oxygen Probe, Diaphragms, etc.

Lutron TR-DOT1A4 Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter


Lutron TR-DOT1A4 Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter

Part No:  TR-LDT1A4

Load Cell Transmitter : For use with Load cell 1—2 mV, Variable Exciting Voltage : 4 V - 12V DC.                            Optional Load Cells: 200g, 2 Kg, 5 Kg,100 Kg,150 Kg

Lutron TR-LDT1A4 Load cell transmitter


Lutron TR-LDT1A4 Load cell transmitter

Part No:  TR-LXT1A4

Light Transmitter : 0 - 2,000 / 20,000/ 50,000 Lux. Output: 4 - 20mA DC.           Power Supply : 90 -  260 VAC.  Light Probe Included.

Lutron TR-LXT1A4 Light Transmitter


Lutron TR-LXT1A4 Light Transmitter

Part No:  TR-PHT1A4

pH Transmitter : 0 - 14 pH.                                                    Output: 4 - 20mA DC.           Power Supply : 90 -  260 VAC.        Optional Probes : PE-03, PE-11, PE-01

Lutron TR-PHT1A4 pH Transmitter


Lutron TR-PHT1A4 pH Transmitter
Lutron TR-PS 2W Pressure TransmitterLutron TR-RPM1A4 RPM TransmitterLutron TR-SLT1A4 Sound Level TransmitterLutron TR-CLP1A4 DC / AC Clamp TransmitterLutron TR-DOT1A4 Dissolved Oxygen TransmitterLutron TR-LXT1A4 Light TransmitterLutron TR-PHT1A4 pH Transmitter

Notes on Sensor Transmitters.

Sensor transmitters are measurement or signal conditioning packages that provide standard, calibrated outputs from sensors or transducers. Outputs types include current loops, variable voltage levels, frequency or pulse signals, timers or counters, relays, and variable resistance outputs. Sensor transmitters can also provide radio frequency (RF) signals and transistor-transistor logic (TTL) outputs. Current loops such as 4 – 20 mA are suitable for sending signals over long distances. Typically, a current is imposed on the output circuit proportional to the measurement. Feedback is used to provide the appropriate current regardless of line noise and impedance. Variable voltage outputs are simple, usually linear functions of the measurement. Frequency or modulated frequency outputs for sensor transmitters include amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), sine waves, and pulse trains. 

Sensor transmitters can receive three types of inputs: signal inputs, sensor inputs, and inputs from special devices. Signal inputs include DC voltage, DC current, AC voltage, and AC current. They also include frequency and charge, signals that often require filtering and amplification. Sensor transmitters receive sensor inputs from accelerometers, thermocouples, thermistors, and resistance temperature detectors (RTD). They also receive inputs from strain gauges, many of which use a Wheatstone bridge, and from both linear and rotary variable differential transformers (LVDT and RVDT). Inputs from special devices include signals from encoders and signal per cycle counts from counters and tachometers. Timers, clocks, relays, and switches can also provided special inputs to sensor transmitters.

Sensor transmitters differ in terms of form factor, mounting style, and user interface. Some products are integrated circuit (IC) chips that mount on printed circuit boards (PCB). Others are PCBs that attach to enclosures or plug directly into computer backplanes. Sensor transmitters that stack in modular bays or slots; and that mount on panels, chassis, racks, or DIN rails are also available. DIN is an acronym for Deutsches Institut für Normung, a German national organization for standardization. Stand alone sensor transmitters are benchtop or floor-standing units with a full casing or cabinet. For user interface options, sensor transmitters may include a touch screen, an integral front panel and display, or a hand held device that offers remote programming features. Computer programmable sensor transmitters interface to a separate supervisory or host computer.


Notes on pH Transmitters.

pH transmitters provide electrical outputs that are proportional to potential of hydrogen (pH) inputs. The pH scale is used to express the acidity or alkalinity of a solution by measuring the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. An acidic solution has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions than an alkaline solution. pH transmitters include a pH sensor, which uses electrodes or wires to test the solution’s pH measurement, and a controller which processes the raw signal from the pH sensor and delivers it to the transmitter. In this way, a pH transmitter is able to convert the pH of a solution into an electrical signal. Some pH transmitters are designed to be completely submersible and can simultaneously transmit both pH and temperature readings.

There are several basic types of pH transmitters. A loop pH powered transmitter is a two-wire device typically powered by a 24 VDC powered transmitter or a 120/240 VAC powered analyzer. These pH transmitters often include a built-in preamplifier which conditions the signal coming from the pH sensor and provides a 4-20 mA output signal to the transmitter. An ion sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) is a type of transistor that responds to changes in the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution. When the hydrogen ion concentration or pH changes, less electrical current flows through the transistor. Consequently, ISFETs are well suited for use in pH sensors and pH transmitters. ISFET silicon chips are more durable and reliable than glass pH electrodes, which may break in harsh environments. ISFET-based pH electrodes also offer more stable pH measurement, with a response rate typically ten times faster than glass electrodes. ISFET-based pH transmitters are popular in pharmaceutical applications and the food processing industry. Their durability allows them to be easily sterilized without the risk of breaking during handing.


Notes on Pressure Transmitters.

Pressure transmitters translate low-level electrical outputs from pressure sensing devices to higher-level signals that are suitable for transmission and processing. They use many different sensing technologies and can measure the pressure of liquids and/or gases. Mechanical deflection devices such as diaphragms, Bourdon tubes or bellows consist of an elastic or flexible element that is deflected mechanically by a change in pressure. Devices that use sealed pistons or cylinders are also available. Strain gauges are often bonded to a larger structure that deforms as pressure changes. Piezoresistive devices sense shifts of electrical charges within a resistor. Piezoelectric pressure transmitters measure dynamic and quasi-static pressures. Their common modes of operation are charge mode, which generates a high-impedance charge output; and voltage mode, which uses an amplifier to convert the high-impedance charge into a low-impedance output voltage. Thin film devices consist of an extremely thin layer of material, usually titanium nitride or polysilicon, deposited on a substrate. Pressure transmitters that use microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), variable capacitance, and vibrating elements are also available. 

Pressure transmitters are capable of performing various pressure measurements and displaying amounts in different units. Absolute pressure is a pressure measurement that is relative to a perfect vacuum. Typically, vacuum pressures are lower than the atmospheric pressure. Gage pressure, the most common type of pressure measurement, is relative to the local atmospheric pressure. By contrast, sealed gauge pressure is relative to one atmosphere of pressure (oz) at sea level. Differential pressure reflects the difference between two input pressures. Compound pressure instruments can display both positive and negative pressures. Some pressure transmitters display values in pounds per square inch, kilo pascals, bars or millibars, inches or centimeters of mercury, or inches or feet of water. Other devices display measurements in ounces per square inch or kilograms per square centimeter.

Performance specifications for pressure transmitters include working pressure range, vacuum range, accuracy, and operating temperature. Working pressure is the maximum, allowable pressure at which pressure transmitters are designed to operate. Typically, devices should not exceed 75% of their maximum, rated range. Vacuum range, another important measurement, covers the lowest vacuum pressure and the highest vacuum pressure. Accuracy, the difference between the true value and the indication, is expressed as a percentage of span. In cases where the accuracy differs between the middle span and the first and last quarters of the scale, the largest percentage error is reported.  

Pressure transmitters can produce several types of electrical signals, including analog voltage and analog current. These output signals can be encoded via amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), or some other modulation scheme such as sine wave or pulse train. Common communication protocols include Ethernet, DeviceNet, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, the process fieldbus (PROFIBUS®), and highway addressable remote transmission (HART®). HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation. PROFIBUS is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS International. Several serial and parallel interfaces for pressure instruments are available. RS232 and RS485 are serial, digital protocols. Parallel protocols include the general-purpose interface bus (GPIB), a standard which is also known as IEEE 488. 

Pressure transmitters differ in terms of display types and features. Analog meters use a simple visual indicator such as a needle. Digital displays present numeric or application-specific values. Cathode ray tubes (CRT), liquid crystal displays (LCD), and other multi-line displays are also available. In terms of features, some pressure transmitters include temperature compensation or provide temperature measurement and negative pressure outputs. Others include built-in audible or visual alarms and an output switch compatible with transistor-transistor logic (TTL). Pressure transmitters that are rated for hazardous materials are also available.


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Notes on Thermocouple Transmitters.

Thermocouple temperature transmitters convert the small millivolt (mV) output of a thermocouple to a current signal (typically 4-20 mADC) that is immune to noise and voltage drops over long distances. They are used with thermocouple temperature probes, bimetallic devices that are suitable for various temperature sensing applications. Isolated thermocouple temperature transmitters eliminate ground loop problems by isolating the transmitter input from the transmitter output. Output options include analog current, analog voltage, or relay/switch output. 

Metal type is an important consideration when selecting thermocouple temperature transmitters. Base metal thermocouples can measure different temperature ranges, depending on the sensor material. Each type or designation represents a specific metal type and temperature range. Type E (chromel/constantan) has a typical temperature range of -270° C to 1000° C. Type J (iron/constantan) has a temperature range of -210° C to 1200° C. Type K (chromel/alumel) has a temperature range of -270° C to 1372° C. Type N (nicrosil/nisil) has a temperature range of -270° C to 1300° C. Type T (copper/constantan) has a temperature range of -270° to 400° C. For noble and refractory metals, choices include type B (platinum 30%/rhodium) with a temperature range of 0° C to 1820° C; Type S (platinum 10%/ rhodium) with a temperature range of -50° C to 1768° C; Type R (platinum 13%/rhodium) with a temperature range of -50° C to 1768° C; and Type W (tungsten/rhenium) with a temperature range of 0° C to 2300° C.

Performance specifications for thermocouple temperature transmitters include analog voltage, analog current, resistance, and temperature. Devices that receive analog voltage inputs accept and condition voltage inputs such as 0 – 10 VDC. Devices that receive analog current inputs accept and condition current loops such as 4 – 20 mA. Devices that receive resistance inputs accept and condition analog resistance inputs such as 0 to 10 ohms. For thermocouple temperature transmitters, operating temperature is a full-required range.

There are several mounting styles for thermocouple temperature transmitters. Devices with thermohead/thermowell mounting are designed to be an integral part of a probe assembly. Some devices are suitable for mounting on a DIN rail. Others are designed to be mounted within a cabinet or rack. Thermocouple temperature transmitters that mount on computer boards are also available.


Notes on Vibration Transmitters.

Vibration transmitters provide electrical outputs that are proportional to vibration inputs. They are used during predictive maintenance in order to reduce unexpected machine failure. Vibration transmitters collect vibration information from a machine and evaluate the data so that maintenance can be performed based on trends in the machinery’s condition. Vibration transmitters can provide a 4-20mA signal that is directly proportional to the overall vibration level of the machine. Vibration transmitters use root mean square (RMS) vibration measurements for accuracy.

Vibration transmitters are used to sense machine imbalances, shaft misalignment, and mechanical looseness in machinery. Shaft misalignment occurs when rotating machinery shafts become misaligned due to movement that results from the operation of the machine at less than optimal conditions. When shafts become misaligned, forces on the machine produce stress on various components. In order to achieve proper shaft alignment, the rotational centers of two or more shafts must be positioned so that they are co-linear during normal machine operation.

There are many different types of vibration transmitters. A motor vibration transmitter is a type of vibration transmitter that is used to convert the rotation of a motor into vibration. Motor vibration transmitters typically consist of a vibrating motor and a capsule on the outside. An electronic circuit drives the motor and the capsule converts the rotation of the motor into vibration, while ensuring that the person using the device does not come in contact with the rotating motor. These types of devices are commonly used in cell phones and pagers. A loop-powered sensor is a type of vibration transmitter that has power and extracts measurement signals along the same set of power wires to remote locations over long distances.


Notes on Humidity Transmitters.

Humidity transmitters provide electrical outputs that are proportional to humidity inputs. They measure variables such as relative humidity, absolute humidity, specific humidity, moisture content, dew point, temperature, and pressure. Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water in the air compared with the amount of water that the air can hold at the measured temperature. Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor in a given volume of air. Specific humidity is absolute humidity divided by the total mass of the given volume of air. Moisture content or water content is the ratio of water mass to total mass. Dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order for saturation to occur. Some humidity transmitters measure pressure. Others measure temperature. Typically, devices that measure pressure or temperature include additional probes.  

Humidity transmitters use several technologies. Capacitive devices contain a dielectric material whose properties change as humidity is detected and capacitance increases. Resistive devices exhibit changes in impedance in response to humidity. Humidity transmitters that use chilled mirrors are cooled to a specific temperature, the dew point, at which moisture begins to condense on the surface. Electrolytic devices measure moisture proportional to the current needed to electrolyze it from a desiccant. Infrared (IR) instruments use the infrared spectrum to measure the absorption of moisture. With microwave-based devices, the amplitude and phase of a microwave signal is affected directly by the amount of moisture in a material. Psychrometers determine relative humidity by measuring the temperature difference between two thermometers, one wet and one dry. Strain gauges or piezoresistive elements measure the expansion of materials that absorb water. Nuclear humidity transmitters measure how neutrons are slowed by the presence of moisture in a material.      

Selecting humidity transmitters requires an analysis of performance specifications and features. Performance specifications include operating temperature, relative humidity range, relative humidity accuracy, dew point range, and dew point accuracy. Relative humidity range and dew point range are ambient ranges that can be measured with a linear response. Relative humidity accuracy and dew point accuracy are percentages that indicate the closeness of a computed amount to its true value. Some humidity transmitters are temperature-compensated and maintain constant output readings across a range of temperatures. Other devices are pressure-compensated. Features for humidity transmitters include self-calibration, self-testing, diagnostics, and data logging. Event-triggered humidity transmitters can be configured to capture or log data when an event occurs. Battery-powered devices use batteries for full operation, not just backup.  

Humidity transmitters differ in terms of display type, electrical outputs, and digital outputs. There are three basic types of displays. Analog meters or gauges use needles or light emitting diode (LED) indicators. Digital readouts are numerical or application-specific displays. Video display terminals (VDT) include cathode ray tubes (CRT) and flat panel displays (FPD). Electrical outputs for humidity transmitters include analog currents, analog voltages, frequencies or pulses, and switches or relays. Digital outputs include Ethernet, modems, parallel interfaces, serial interfaces, small computer systems interface (SCSI), transistor-transistor logic (TTL), and universal serial bus (USB).



4 - 20 mA Controller / Alarm / Monitor / Indicator


Part No:  RHA-33A

Humidity Calibrator, Precision 33% RH Calibration Standard for Humidity Instruments  HT-3003, HT-3004, HT-3005,HT-3006, HA-702, HA-703, HA-704


Lutron RHA-33 Humidity Calibrator.
Lutron RHA-33 Humidity Calibrator.

Part No:  RHA-75A

Humidity Calibrator, Precision 75% RH Calibration Standard for Humidity Instruments  HT-3003, HT-3004, HT-3005,HT-3006, HA-702, HA-703, HA-704


Lutron RHA-33 Humidity Calibrator.
Lutron RHA-33 Humidity Calibrator.Lutron RHA-33 Humidity Calibrator.Lutron RHA-33 Humidity Calibrator.

Part No:  PX-01

Proximity Sensor, 12 to 24 Volts, Output: 12 Volts DC, 100mV, Detecting Distance: 4 mm (Metal) (For DT2240D,TR-RPM1A4 etc., )

Lutron PX-01 Proximity Sensor


Lutron PX-01 Proximity Sensor
Lutron PX-01 Proximity Sensor

Part No:  PI-06

Photo Sensor, Supply :12 to 24 Volts, For DT2240D,  TR-RPM1A4 etc., Photo Interrupter , 3 wires Power, Signal and Ground.

Lutron PI-06 Photo Sensor


Lutron PI-06 Photo Sensor
Lutron PI-06 Photo Sensor

Part No:  TP-01

Temperature Naked Bead Probe,  -40 to 250 degC

Lutron TP-01 Naked Bead Temperature Probe


Lutron TP-01 Naked Bead Temperature Probe

Part No:  TP-03

Temperature Immersion Probe,  -50 to 400 degC

Lutron TP-03 Temeperature Immersion Probe


Lutron TP-03 Temeperature Immersion Probe

Part No:  TP-02A

Temperature Immersion Probe,  -50 to 1200 degC

Lutron TP-02A Temperature Immersion Probe


Lutron TP-02A Temperature Immersion Probe

Part No:  TP-04

Temperature Surface Probe,  -50 to 900 degC

Lutron TP-04 Temperature Surface Probe


Lutron TP-04 Temperature Surface ProbeLutron TP-01 Naked Bead Temperature ProbeLutron TP-02A Temperature Immersion ProbeLutron TP-03 Temeperature Immersion ProbeLutron TP-04 Temperature Surface Probe

Part No:  SC-942

Sound Level Calibrator, Frequency—1KHz               Sound Pressure Level : 94dB &114dB

Lutron SC-942 Sound Level Calibrator


Lutron SC-942 Sound Level CalibratorLutron SC-942 Sound Level Calibrator

Part No:  SC-941

Sound Level Calibrator, Frequency—1KHz               Sound Pressure Level : 94dB &114dB

Lutron SC-941 Sound Level Calibrator


Lutron SC-941 Sound Level CalibratorLutron SC-941 Sound Level Calibrator

Full Line Catalog                  

Full Line Catalog for Transmitters indicated below: Download Size: 105 KB

Lutron TR-Full Line Transmitters


Lutron TR-Full Line Transmitters

Part No:  TR-TMP1A4          

Temperature Tyke Pt 100 Transmitter: 0 - 100 /  500degC, Output: 4 - 20mA DC.         Power Supply : 90 - 260 ACV, Optional Temp Probes: TP-100, TP-100A

Lutron TR-TMP1A4 PT100 Temp Transmitter


Lutron TR-TMP1A4 PT100 Temp Transmitter
Lutron TR-TMP1A4 PT100 Temp Transmitter

Part No:  TP-100

Pt 100 Temperature Probe, Immersion Type. Range: -50 to 400 degC.

Lutron TP-100 Pt 100 Temperature Immersion Probe


Lutron TP-100 Pt 100 Temperature Immersion Probe
Lutron TP-100 Pt 100 Temperature Immersion Probe

For WATT, VAR and Power Factor Measurement with the 4 - 20 mA output with many options. Please consult leaflet by clicking on above link.

Lutron TR-Type Power Transmitter


Lutron TR-Type Power Transmitter
Lutron TR-Type Power Transmitter

Part No:  PE-01

pH electrode. 0 to 14 pH Professional High Quality pH Electrode, Epoxy body, 9.5mm dia. X 130mm.

Lutron PE-01 pH High Quality Probe


Lutron PE-01 pH High Quality Probe
Lutron PE-01 pH High Quality Probe

Part No:  PE-03

pH electrode. 0 to 13 pH General Purpose pH Electrode, Epoxy body, 12.3mm dia. X 160mm.

Lutron PE-03 pH Probe


Lutron PE-03 pH Probe
Lutron PE-03 pH Probe

Part No:  PE-06HD

pH electrode, Spear tip . 1 to 13 pH (Typical 0—14 pH) General purpose electrode, ideal for piercing into meat, sausage, cheese. Durable glass in rugged epoxy body.

Lutron PE-06HD Spear Tip pH Electrode


Lutron PE-06HD Spear Tip pH Electrode
Lutron PE-06HD Spear Tip pH Electrode

Part No:  PE-11

pH electrode General Purpose . 1 to 13 pH (Typical 0—14 pH) . Durable in rugged epoxy body.

Lutron PE-11 pH Probe.


Lutron PE-11 pH Probe.
Lutron PE-11 pH Probe.Lutron TR-Full Line Transmitters

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4-20 mA Controller / Alarm / Indicator. Used with All Lutron Transmitters eg. :Vibration, pH, Dissolved O2, Conductivity,Hz,Watts, VAR, P.F., Humdity, light.


Lutron CT-2012 4-20 mA Controller / Alarm Indicator
Lutron CT-2012 4-20 mA Controller / Alarm Indicator Lutron CT-2012 4-20 mA Controller / Alarm Indicator supplied bt Test and Measurement Instruments c.c.FaceBook TMITwitter TMI
Test and Measurement Instruments Africa.Lutron TR-LDT1A4 Load cell transmitter
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30th anniversay of Test and Measurement Instruments c.c.

Part No:  TP-05

Clamp Temperature K Type Thermocouple Probe.    0°C to 350°C . Hands Free operation. Spring Loaded Jaw to secure to pipe size from 3mm to 48 mm. Coiled.

Lutron Instruments TP-05 Clamp Temperature Probe.


Lutron Instruments TP-05 Clamp Temperature Probe
Lutron Instruments TP-05 Clamp Temperature Probe

Part No:  TR-AD3W              

Wind Direction Transmitter: 4 - 20 mA, Measuring Range: 0 -  360°, Start wind speed < 0.5m/s. Accuracy : 3° after calibration. IP65 Protection, Stainless steel vane

Lutron Instruments TR-AD3W Wind Direction Transmitter


Lutron Instruments TR-AD3W Wind Direction Transmitter

Part No:  TR-AM3W              

Wind Speed Transmitter: 4 - 20 mA. Measuring Range:

0.5 to 50m/s. Aluminium body and Stainless steel vanes. IP65 Protection. Used with CT-2012 Controller.

Lutron Instruments TR-AM3W Wind Direction Transmitter


Lutron Instruments TR-AM3W Wind Direction Transmitter
Lutron Instruments TR-AD3W Wind Direction TransmitterLutron Instruments TR-AM3W Wind Direction Transmitter

Part No:  TR-TMK1A4x

Temperature Type K Transmitter: -100 to 100 /  400degC, Output: 4 - 20mA DC.         Power Supply : 90 - 260 ACV, Optional Temp Probes: TP-01,02A,03,04

Lutron TR-TMK1A4- Temperature K Type Transmitter


Lutron TR-TMK1A4- Temperature K Type Transmitter
Lutron TR-TMK1A4- Temperature K Type Transmitter

Brand Names



Air Quality Meters

Alcohol Breath Tester

Alignment Equipment

AM & FM Signal Generators


Appliance Testers

Audio Generators

Audio Impedance Meter


Automotive testers



Batteries for Equipment

Battery Analyser /

Battery Desulphator Charger

Bench DMM’s


Bread Boards

Breath  Alcohol Tester

Cable Fault Locators

Cable Height Meter

Cable Testers


Capacitance meters

Carbon Dioxide meters

Carbon Monoxide meters

Car Testers

Caster / Camber Gauges

Chlorine Meter

Clamp meters

Clearance Sale:

Colour Analysers

Combination Combo Meters

Concrete Testing

Conductivity  / TDS meters

Contact Tachometers

Continuity Tester

Controller / Monitors

Corner Weight Scales

Coronavirus COVID-19

Current Meters, Bench Type

Data Acquisition Systems

Data Loggers

Decade Boxes

Dew Point Meters

Digital Vernier Calipers

Digital Scales

Digital Multimeters , DMMs

Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Distance Meters

Drain Pipe Camera

Drug Testing

Dust Monitoring

Earth resistance meter

Earth Leakage Tester, ELCB

Educational Systems

Electrical Connectors

Electromagnetic Field Testers

Electrostatic Field Tester

EMF tester

Explosives Testing

Eye Tracker

Field Strength Meters

Force gauge

Frequency Counter

Function Generators

GSM Controller

Gas leak detector

Green Hybrid Power

Grid Dip Meter

Hardness tester

Helicopter IR Gimbals

HV(High Voltage) Testing

Humidity meter


Inductance Decade Box

Infrared Thermometers

Infrared Thermography


Insulation tester

Laser Levelling

LCR meter

Leakage Clamp Meters

Logic Analyser

Logic Probes/Pulsers

Lux meter, (Light meter)


Metal Detector


Micro-Ohm Meters

Microwave Leakage

Milliohm meter


Moisture meter


Night Vision Equipment

Optical Gas Imaging OGI Thermal Cameras

ORP meter


Oxygen Meters

Pattern generators

Panel meter

PC-Based Instruments

Pen type tester

pH Meters and Probes

Pipe Inspection Camera

Photo Tachometer

Power analyzer

Power clamp meter

Power Supplies

Pressure/Vacuum meter

3 Phase Rotation Tester

Pressure Transducer

Probes, Oscilloscope

Protection Relay Testing

Proximity sensor

Racing Equipment

RCCB tester

RCD, RCCB Testers

Radiation Testers


Renewable Energy

RF Generators

Resistance Decade Box

Roughness tester


Salt meter

Satellite Testing Equipment


Scales, Digital

Shore Hardness Tester


Soil Moisture Meters

Soil pH meter

Solar Power Meter


Sound level meter

Spectrum Analyser


Student Bench Meters

Stun Guns

SWR / RF Power Meters


TDS / Conductivity Meters

Test Leads

Thermal Cameras– Long Distance –20Kms

Thermal Imagers



Thermography Courses

Thickness Testers

Tone Generator/ Tracer

Tools - Hydraulic Crimp

Torque meter

Torque wrench

Transformer Testing

Transient Suppressors


TV & Satellite Meters

Turbidity Meter

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Ultrasonic Thickness

UV Corona & IR Cameras, Combined

UV light meter

Vacuum meter

Variable Transformers

Verniers, Micrometers

Vibration meter

Video Scope

Watt meter

Water Tester

Water Testing Meters

Weather Station

Vacuum/Pressure meter

Voltmeters, Bench Type

Voltage Detectors

Voltage Regulators

5 Way® Binding Posts

Voltage Stabilisers

XRF Analysers

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