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Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.

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“Tomorrow’s Instruments Today”  —  “For Good Measure” ®

TMI, Established—1982

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Data Loggers

Data Loggers

Fluke 1735 Power Logger. For conducting Energy Studies for most Electrical Power Parameters, Harmonics, and Voltage Events

Fluke 1735 Power Logger
Fluke 1735 Power LoggerFluke 1735 Power Logger

Notes on Data Loggers.

Data loggers and data recorders acquire digital data from sensors and other signals such as Vibration, Light & UV, Humidity, Temperature, Carbon Dioxide, RPM, PH, Force Gauges, Pressure, Conductivity, wind speed and many others. They are  used to store data for subsequent downloads to a host PC, but may also include real-time features such as monitors and alarms. Important specifications to consider when searching for data loggers and data recorders include differential analog input channels, digital I/O channels, sampling frequency, resolution, and accuracy.  Differential channels use the difference between two signals as an input; common mode will be filtered out. With some systems, differential inputs are combinations of two single-ended inputs; in this case, twice the number of differential channels would be available as single-ended inputs.  Digital or discrete channels are used for low-level on-off signals used in applications such as communication, user interface, or control.  Sampling frequency is the frequency of the analog signal sampling and conversion to a digital value.  Resolution refers to the degree of fineness of the digital word representing the analog value. A ten-bit number contains 210, or 1024, increments. A 0-10V signal could therefore be resolved into approximately 0.01V increments. A 12-bit representation would be in 212 (4096) increments, or divisions of 0.0024V for the same signal. Each additional bit doubles the resolution, and one bit is required for the polarity (sign) of a number.  Data loggers and data recorders accuracy depends on the signal conditioning linearity, hysteresis, temperature considerations, etc. It is represented here as percent full scale of measurement range.

Common form factor for data loggers and data recorders include IC or board mount, circuit board, panel or chassis mount, modular bay or slot system, rack mount, DIN rail, and stand-alone.  Applications include general lab or industrial, environmental, vehicular, marine, aerospace or military, seismic or geotechnical, weather or meteorology, and medical or biomedical.  Common signal inputs available for data loggers and data recorders include DC voltage, DC current, AC voltage, AC current, frequency, and charge.  Sensor inputs include accelerometer, thermocouple, thermistor, RTD, strain gauge or bridge, and LVDT or RVDT.  Specialized inputs include encoder, counter or tachometer, timer or clock, and relay or switch.  Transducers and excitation are also important to consider when searching for data acquisition.  Many data loggers and data recorders have integral sensors or transducers.  These sensors can have voltage or current excitation.  Common outputs for data acquisition products include voltage output, current output, frequency output, timer or counter output, relay output, and resistance or potentiometer output.

Considering the user interfaces available is important when searching for data loggers and data recorders.  User interfaces available include no display, front panel and display, touch screens, hand-held or remote programmers, and computer programmable.  Host connection choices include direct backplane interface, RS232, RS422, ST485, USB, IEEE 1394, GPIB, SCSI, TTL, parallel, Ethernet, modem, and radio or telemetry.  The transmission rate of data is important to consider.  Many data loggers and data recorders are web enabled for web addressing.  Additional specifications to consider when searching for data acquisition systems and instruments include application software, memory and storage, network specifications, and environmental parameters.

                 MSR 145 Data Loggers                       

Data Loggers, World’s most compact units with built-in Temperature, Light, Vibration and Humidity Sensors. Battery life up to 2 years with over 1 Billion Readings.

MSR 145 DataloggersMSR 145 DataloggersMSR145 Data Loggers

Data Loggers for paperless recordings of events such as with built-in sensors for Temperature, Vibration, Humidity , Light, PH, Carbon Dioxide as well as many others. The MSR Units have been used in space on the way to the International Space Station (ISS).

Part No:  MSR 255                                 

Datalogger, World’s most compact units. Up to 5 diff sensors & 4 analogue Inputs. Battery life up to 2 Years. Waterproof. Over 1 Billion Readings.USB Data Output.

MSR 255 DataloggerMSR 255 Datalogger


MSR 255 Datalogger

Part No:  MSR 165                                 

Datalogger, Up to1600 Acceleration measurements per second. 2 Years Batt. life. Over 1 Billion Readings.USB Data Output. Up to 5 sensors & 4 other inputs.

MSR 165 DataloggerMSR 165 Datalogger


MSR 165 Datalogger

Part No:  MSR 160                                 

Datalogger, Anodized Aluminium Case.  2 Years Battery  life. Over 1 Billion Readings. USB Data Output. Up to 5 sensors & 4 other inputs.

MSR 160 dataloggerMSR 160 datalogger


MSR 160 datalogger

Part No:  DL-9602SD

SD Card Paperless Data Logger/ Recorder with Real Time, Sampling Time (1sec to 9 Hours). Built-in Clock & Calendar. Takes SD Card to16GB. No software needed.

Lutron DL-9602SD Paperless Data Logger


Lutron DL-9602SD Paperless Data Logger

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Data Loggers

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Data Loggers, Wireless. LED Graph Display with Cloud Storage and Personalised Access. Built-in or external Temperature, Light, Vibration and Humidity Sensors.

MSR 145 Dataloggers
MSR145 Wireless LED Cloud Data Logger

Part No:  TM-946   

4-Channel Thermometer, , Type K/J/Pt100, -199.9 to 1370 degC,     Real Time Data logger (16000 data points), Max-Min, Data-Hold, RS 232

Lutron Instruments TM-946 4 Channel Thermometer


Lutron Instruments TM-946 4 Channel ThermometerLutron Instruments TM-946 4 Channel Thermometer

Built-In Data Loggers with Instruments

Part No:  YK-2005TM

Type K/J, Pt 100 Combo Thermometer with Infrared use, Real time Data Logger, 16,000 Data, RS232, Max/Min, Data Hold, Zero Adjust.

Lutron Instruments YK-2005TM Digital Thermometer with Infrared and prpbes


Lutron Instruments YK-2005TM Digital Thermometer with Infrared and prpbesLutron Instruments YK-2005TM Digital Thermometer with Infrared and prpbes

Part No:  YK-2005AH

Anemometer : Hot Wire Type, Air Velocity, Air Flow (CMM, CFM), 0.2 to 20 m/s, Temp. (C/F) Real Time data logger, Record-Min/Max, RS232

Lutron YK-2005AH Hot Wire, Air Velocity, Flow Meter


Lutron YK-2005AH Hot Wire, Air Velocity, Flow MeterLutron YK-2005AH Hot Wire, Air Velocity, Flow Meter

Part No:  YK-90HT

Combo Humidity, Temp, Dew Point, Intelligent, Fast, Data Logger with 1000 readings, Manual & Auto, Microprocessor, Max-Min, RS232

Lutron YK-90HT Humidity / Temp, Dew Point Meter


Lutron YK-90HT Humidity / Temp, Dew Point MeterLutron YK-90HT Humidity / Temp, Dew Point Meter

Part No:  YK-2005LX

Lux Meter. 5 ranges— 40.00, 400.0, 4000, 40000, 400000 Lux / foot-candle, Real Time Data Logger. Max-Min, memory,4 light type selection with RS232.

Lutron YK-2005LX Lux Meter with RS232


Lutron YK-2005LX Lux Meter with RS232Lutron YK-2005LX Lux Meter with RS232

Part No:  CD-4317SD

Conductivity Meter.  Real Time Data Logger. TDS and Salt Measurement. Pt Glass Electrode. 200uS/ 2 mS / 20mS / 200mS. Salt 0% - 1% (weight).RS232, USB out.

Lutron CD-4317SD Conductivity Meter


Lutron CD-4317SD Conductivity Meter
Lutron CD-4317SD Conductivity Meter

Part No:  TM-947SD

4-Channel Thermometer, Type K/J/T/E/R/S/Pt100, -199.9 to 1300 degC, SD Card Real Time Data logger Max-Min, Data-Hold, RS 232, ATC, Heavy Duty.

Lutron Instruments TM-947SD 4 Channel Thermometer


Lutron Instruments TM-947SD 4 Channel Thermometer
Lutron Instruments TM-947SD 4 Channel Thermometer

Part No:  HT-3007SD

Combo Humidity / Temperature /Dew Point / Wet Bulb, TypeK/J, Thermometer, SD Card Real Time Data Logger, 10%-95%RH,  0-50 degC, -50 to 1300 degC,

Lutron HT-3007SD Humidity / Temperature Meter


Lutron HT-3007SD Humidity / Temperature Meter
Lutron HT-3007SD Humidity / Temperature Meter

Part No:  YK-37UVSD

UV Light Meter UVA and UVC. Real Time SD Card Data Logger. (Short and Long Wave) 1.999mW/cm2, 19.99mW/cm2,Max/Min, Data-Hold, RS232 / USB.

Lutron YK-37UVSD UVMeter


Lutron YK-37UVSD UVMeter
Lutron YK-37UVSD UV Light MeterLutron YK-37UVSD UV Light MeterFaceBook TMITwitter TMI
Lutron DL-9602SD Paperless Data Logger


Part No:  BTM-4208SD        

12-Channel Thermometer, Type K/J/T/E/R/S, -50.1 to 1300°C. Real Time Data logger Recorder, SD CARD, RS 232, Sampling time:1 - 3600 Secs, Min/Max Hold,

Lutron Instruments BTD-4208SD 12 Channel Thermometer


12-Channel Lutron Thermometer Data Logger Recorder, BTD-4208SD
12-Channel Lutron Thermometer Data Logger Recorder, BTD-4208SD

Part No:  CO2-9904SD

Carbon Dioxide Meter Real Time Data Logger Recorder (CO2)/ Humidity / Temp / Dew Point, Wet Bulb, 0 to 6000ppm (1ppm), SD Card, Sample time adj.

Lutron Instruments CO2-9904SD Carbon Dioxide CO2 Reat Time Data Logger Meter


Lutron Instruments CO2-9904SD Carbon Dioxide CO2 Reat Time Data Logger MeterLutron Instruments CO2-9904SD Carbon Dioxide CO2 Reat Time Data Logger Meter
Test and Measurement Instruments Africa.

Part No:  SPM-1116SD                                          

Solar Power Meter Data Logger: Measures 1. Solar Power, 2. Transmission (%), 3. Solar Power Integration. Spectral Response:400 to 1100nm up to 2000 W/m^2.

Lutron SPM-1116SD Solar Power Meter


Lutron SPM-1116SD Solar Power Meter
SPM-1116SD Lutron Solar Power Meter
index sitemap advanced

Part No:  VB-8205SD

Vibration Meter. Real Time Data Logger with SD Card. Built-in Calendar. 200m/s2, RMS, Record, Peak hold. RS232, Frequency 10Hz— 1kHz. Sampling: 1 -  3600 S

Lutron VB-8205SD Vibration Meter


Lutron VB-8205SD Vibration Meter
Lutron VB-8205SD Vibration Meter

Part No:  VB-8206SD

Vibration Meter. Real Time Data Logger with SD Card. Acceleration, Velocity & Displacement. Built-in Calendar. Frequency 10Hz-1kHz. Sampling: 1- 3600 s

Lutron VB-8206SD Vibration Meter


Lutron VB-8206SD Vibration Meter
Lutron VB-8206SD Vibration Meter

Data Loggers, Wireless. High Operating Temp. of –20°C to 125°C. Built-in or external Temperature, Air Pressure and Humidity Sensors.

MSR 145 Dataloggers

Part No:  TM-SSN-11

Temperature Data Logger with USB Interface. Small, Portable, Precise and Low cost. USB directly connects with PC. Ideal for Cold Chain, Transportation, Refrigeration,

R 1750.00 Excl VAT

T + M

T+M-SSN11 Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-SSN11 Temperature USB Data Logger
Fm Gordon R 995 - 35% in 7.15T+M-SSN11 Temperature USB Data Logger30th anniversay of Test and Measurement Instruments c.c.

Part No:  SL-4023SD            

Sound Level Meter, Real Time SD Card Datalogger, Type 2,  30 — 130dB (3 Ranges), Frequency, Time, A/C, Time Weighting (Fast&Slow), Max&Min Hold. AC Output.

Lutron SL-4023SD Sound Level Meter


Lutron SL-4023SD Sound Level Meter
Lutron SL-4023SD Sound Level Meter

Part No:  SL-4033SD            

Sound Level Meter, Real Time SD Card Datalogger, Type 1,  30 — 130dB (3 Ranges), Frequency, Time, A/C, Freq & Time Weighting (Fast&Slow), Max&Min Hold.

Lutron SL-4033SD Sound Level Meter


Lutron SL-4033SD Sound Level Meter
Lutron SL-4033SD Sound Level Meter

Part No:  SL-4035SD            

Sound Level Meter, Real Time SD Card Datalogger, Type 230 — 130dB (3 Ranges), Frequency, Time, A/C, Freq & Time Weighting (Fast&Slow), Max&Min Hold.

Lutron SL-4035SD Sound Level Meter


Lutron SL-4035SD Sound Level Meter
Lutron SL-4035SD Sound Level Meter

Part No:  PM-9112SD

Real Time Data Logging Manometer, 200 mbar, dual & differential input, Zero/Relative. Built in sensor. Data Hold, Zero button,10 unit displays. Auto Off, USB

Lutron PM-9112SD Digital Manometer 200mBar


Lutron PM-9112SD Digital Manometer 200mBar
Lutron PM-9112SD Digital Manometer 200mBar

Part No:  PM-9110SD

Real Time Data Logging Manometer, 2000 mbar, dual & differential input, Zero/Relative. Built in sensor. Data Hold, Zero button,10 unit displays. Auto Off, USB

Lutron PM-9110SD Digital Manometer 200mBar


Lutron PM-9110SD Digital Manometer 200mBar
Lutron PM-9110SD Digital Manometer 200mBar

Part No:  PM-9117SD

Real Time Data Logging Manometer, 7000 mbar dual & differential input, Zero/Relative. Built in sensor. Data Hold, Zero button,10 unit displays. Auto Off, USB

Lutron PM-9117SD Digital Manometer 200mBar


Lutron PM-9117SD Digital Manometer 200mBar
Lutron PM-9117SD Digital Manometer 200mBar

Part No:  DO-5512SD

Real Time Oxygen / Dissolved Oxygen Meter Data Logger. SD Card Reads (O2) - 0.0 to 100.0% x 0.1% and 0– 20mg/L DO. Records data onto Excel. RS232

Lutron DO-5512SD Dissolved Oxygen Meter


Lutron DO-5512SD Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Lutron DO-5512SD Dissolved Oxygen MeterLutron DO-5512SD Dissolved Oxygen Meter

Part No:  TM-947USB

4-Channel Thermometer, Type K/J/T/E/R/S/Pt100,        -199.9 to 1300 degC, USB Stick Real Time Data logger Max-Min, Data-Hold, RS 232, ATC, Heavy Duty.

Lutron Instruments TM-947USB 4 Channel Thermometer


Lutron Instruments TM-947USB 4 Channel Thermometerr
Lutron Instruments TM-947SD 4 Channel ThermometerLutron Instruments TM-947USB 4 Channel Thermometer

Temperature, Humidity Data Logger ,USB/ Bluetooth. Free software. IP65. Hi/Lo Alarm. Full memory Alarm,  Over 1 year battery life at 1min sampling. Dew Point Temp. Curve.


T + M

T+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data Logger

Part No:  FG-6005  SD

5000g/oz/Newton, Tension/Compression 4-digit LCD with backlight, Positive / Reverse Display, Peak Hold, RS2323, with Data Logger placing 1000 results on SD.

Lutron FG-6005SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data Logger

Part No:  FG-6020SD           

20Kg/LB/Newton, Tension/Compression 4-digit LCD with backlight, Positive / Reverse Display, Peak Hold, RS2323, with Data Logger placing 1000 results on SD.

Lutron FG-6020SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data Logger



Lutron FG-6020SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data LoggerLutron FG-6005SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data Logger

Part No:  FG-6100SD           

100Kg/LB/Newton, Tension/Compression 5-digit LCD with backlight, Positive / Reverse Display, Peak Hold, RS2323, with Data Logger placing 1000 results on SD.

Lutron FG-60100SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data Logger


Lutron FG-60100SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data LoggerLutron FG-6005SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data LoggerLutron FG-6020SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data LoggerLutron FG-60100SD Tension / Compression Force Gauge, Data Logger

PDF Temperature, Humidity Data Logger , Options- Single use , digital LCD readout, waterproof , ext Probe.  Easy operation & data recovery. Ideal in Transport, storage & testing.

T + M

T+M-PDF Temp. Humidity Series Temperature USB Data Logger. WellzionT+M-PDF Temp. Humidity Series Temperature USB Data Logger. Wellzion

RECOVIB TINY                     

Datalogger, RECOVIB TINY. 3– Axis Shock & Vibration datalogger. DC to 250Hz , Low Noise,  Wireless during Measurements,  Synchronises Simultaneously with Multi Sensors. Models -2G/6G, 15G or 200G units.



RECOVIB FEEL                    

3 – Axis Shock & Vibration Smart Probe.  Compact & Rugged Accelerometer DC to 250Hz.. IP67. For Real-Time Vibrational mode, Frequency & Time Analysis

RECOVIB FEEL 3 Axis Shock & Vibration Smart Probe.


RECOVIB TINY Datalogger. snijs at Micromega-Dynamics RECOVIB FEEL 3 Axis Shock & Vibration Smart Probe.   snijs at Micromega-Dynamics RECOVIB TINY DataloggerRECOVIB FEEL 3 Axis Shock & Vibration Smart Probe.

                 MSR 175 Shock Dataloggers

Dataloggers, World’s most compact units with built-in Temperature, Light, Vibration and Humidity Sensors. Battery life up to 2 years with over 1 Billion Readings.

MSR175 Shock Transportation DataloggersMSR175 Shock Transportation DataloggersMSR175 Shock Transportation Dataloggers
Lutron PH-230SD pH datalogging meterLutron PH-230SD pH datalogging meter

Part No:  PH-230SD              

pH Meter, SD Card Real Time Datalogger +ORP Professional : PH/mV ,ATC 0 to 14 pH (0.01pH), Records to Excel. No software needed. Needs Optional Electrodes.

Lutron PH-230SD pH datalogging meter


Lutron PH-230SD pH datalogging meter
Lutron PH-230SD pH datalogging meter

Humidity / Temperature Chart Recorder with Touch-Screen, Programmable. Large Hi Res Colour Screen, Replaceable Probe, Visual and Aidible Alarms, Hi/Lo Recall,

R7300.00 excl VAT. ROE R15.00=1.USD

Extech RH550 Humidity / Temperature Chart Recorder with Touch-Screen
Extech RH550 Humidity / Temperature Chart Recorder with Touch-Screen
Extech RH550 Humidity / Temperature Chart Recorder with Touch-Screen

Brand Names



Air Quality Meters

Alcohol Breath Tester

Alignment Equipment

AM & FM Signal Generators


Appliance Testers

Audio Generators

Audio Impedance Meter


Automotive testers



Batteries for Equipment

Battery Analyser /

Battery Desulphator Charger

Bench DMM’s


Bread Boards

Breath  Alcohol Tester

Cable Fault Locators

Cable Height Meter

Cable Testers


Capacitance meters

Carbon Dioxide meters

Carbon Monoxide meters

Car Testers

Caster / Camber Gauges

Chlorine Meter

Clamp meters

Clearance Sale:

Colour Analysers

Combination Combo Meters

Concrete Testing

Conductivity  / TDS meters

Contact Tachometers

Continuity Tester

Controller / Monitors

Corner Weight Scales

Coronavirus COVID-19

Current Meters, Bench Type

Data Acquisition Systems

Data Loggers

Decade Boxes

Dew Point Meters

Digital Vernier Calipers

Digital Scales

Digital Multimeters , DMMs

Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Distance Meters

Drain Pipe Camera

Drug Testing

Dust Monitoring

Earth resistance meter

Earth Leakage Tester, ELCB

Educational Systems

Electrical Connectors

Electromagnetic Field Testers

Electrostatic Field Tester

EMF tester

Explosives Testing

Eye Tracker

Field Strength Meters

Force gauge

Frequency Counter

Function Generators

GSM Controller

Gas leak detector

Green Hybrid Power

Grid Dip Meter

Hardness tester

Helicopter IR Gimbals

HV(High Voltage) Testing

Humidity meter


Inductance Decade Box

Infrared Thermometers

Infrared Thermography


Insulation tester

Laser Levelling

LCR meter

Leakage Clamp Meters

Logic Analyser

Logic Probes/Pulsers

Lux meter, (Light meter)


Metal Detector


Micro-Ohm Meters

Microwave Leakage

Milliohm meter


Moisture meter


Night Vision Equipment

Optical Gas Imaging OGI Thermal Cameras

ORP meter


Oxygen Meters

Pattern generators

Panel meter

PC-Based Instruments

Pen type tester

pH Meters and Probes

Pipe Inspection Camera

Photo Tachometer

Power analyzer

Power clamp meter

Power Supplies

Pressure/Vacuum meter

3 Phase Rotation Tester

Pressure Transducer

Probes, Oscilloscope

Protection Relay Testing

Proximity sensor

Racing Equipment

RCCB tester

RCD, RCCB Testers

Radiation Testers


Renewable Energy

RF Generators

Resistance Decade Box

Roughness tester


Salt meter

Satellite Testing Equipment


Scales, Digital

Shore Hardness Tester


Soil Moisture Meters

Soil pH meter

Solar Power Meter


Sound level meter

Spectrum Analyser


Student Bench Meters

Stun Guns

SWR / RF Power Meters


TDS / Conductivity Meters

Test Leads

Thermal Cameras– Long Distance –20Kms

Thermal Imagers



Thermography Courses

Thickness Testers

Tone Generator/ Tracer

Tools - Hydraulic Crimp

Torque meter

Torque wrench

Transformer Testing

Transient Suppressors


TV & Satellite Meters

Turbidity Meter

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Ultrasonic Thickness

UV Corona & IR Cameras, Combined

UV light meter

Vacuum meter

Variable Transformers

Verniers, Micrometers

Vibration meter

Video Scope

Watt meter

Water Tester

Water Testing Meters

Weather Station

Vacuum/Pressure meter

Voltmeters, Bench Type

Voltage Detectors

Voltage Regulators

5 Way® Binding Posts

Voltage Stabilisers

XRF Analysers

All brands, trade names, trade marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

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Also: Thermal Imagers

FLIR TG267 Thermal Imagng Spot Non Contact Thermometer